Andres Quintero

Executive Director

Andres Quintero is the Executive Director of BALEO, a Bay Area nonprofit organization that seeks to provide education and support to elected and appointed policy makers to ensure that the voice of the Latino community is present and active at the decision-making table. Andres is a public policy professional with extensive experience in local government. Quintero has served as a Senior Policy Advisor, District Director, and  

Chief of Staff for various local and state elected officials. Having been elected to public office, Quintero has served the people of East San Jose since 2012. 

In 2015, Andres joined the faculty of the Political Science Department at Evergreen Valley College. 

Quintero has an extensive community service record, including serving as a board member and officer for various non-profit and civic groups, a city commission, various oversight committees, as well as service on an advisory body to the President of  Mexico. Additionally, Andres has taken part in delegations to countries in the middle and far east. 

Quintero’s educational background includes a BA in Political Science and a Master of  Public Administration. At present, Quintero is a Ph.D. candidate in Leadership  Studies with a specialization in History.